Background and Experience
I grew up in south Ashland Kentucky, where iron meets coal. My people played music, sang gospel, had a pet cemetery, a water softening business and my grandfather sold cemetery plots. Helping my grandfather install water softening systems gave me a very unique insight into the lives of people who lived in the hollers where iron made for bad water.
I grew up during the 60s and early 70s when entertainment was left up to the imagination. My friends and I built cities in the sand box of Ohio river sand and hiked the hills behind our house to search for artifacts along the creek. I spent my indoor time drawing (and watching Lost in Space). My teachers at Poage elementary noticed my love of art and encouraged me by giving me classroom drawing assignments. As I moved on to junior high Ms. Ettling, the art teacher, was great at exposing me to new ways to make art. My friends noticed my dedication and labeled me an artist, though I thought everyone made art.
At Eastern Kentucky University, I had wonderful art and design instructors, and learned graphic design, photography, pottery, metal smithing, sculpture, and print making. I majored in graphic design and Illustration and graduated with a BFA.
As a young designer in Lexington, I did a lot of paste-up and cut a lot of amberlith, mostly for thoroughbred, business and sports publications. I was 26 when I designed the official University of Kentucky Wildcats logo! My girlfriend Patti, now my wife, encouraged me to get into greeting card illustration, which led to a long and successful stint with Oatmeal Studios.
Shortly after we married, we started our own agency, EdmonDesign and won numerous national design and advertising awards. In 2012 I took on a partner and continued through 2022. I’m currently doing freelance work for clients and agencies and looking to expand.

Background and Experience
I grew up in south Ashland Kentucky, where iron meets coal. My people played music, sang gospel, had a pet cemetery, a water softening business and my grandfather sold cemetery plots. Helping my grandfather install water softening systems gave me a very unique insight into the lives of people who lived in the hollers where iron made for bad water.
I grew up during the 60s and early 70s when entertainment was left up to the imagination. My friends and I built cities in the sand box of Ohio river sand and hiked the hills behind our house to search for artifacts along the creek. I spent my indoor time drawing (and watching Lost in Space). My teachers at Poage elementary noticed my love of art and encouraged me by giving me classroom drawing assignments. As I moved on to junior high Ms. Ettling, the art teacher, was great at exposing me to new ways to make art. My friends noticed my dedication and labeled me an artist, though I thought everyone made art.
At Eastern Kentucky University, I had wonderful art and design instructors, and learned graphic design, photography, pottery, metal smithing, sculpture, and print making. I majored in graphic design and Illustration and graduated with a BFA.
As a young designer in Lexington, I did a lot of paste-up and cut a lot of amberlith, mostly for thoroughbred, business and sports publications. I was 26 when I designed the official University of Kentucky Wildcats logo! My girlfriend Patti, now my wife, encouraged me to get into greeting card illustration, which led to a long and successful stint with Oatmeal Studios.
Shortly after we married, we started our own agency, EdmonDesign and won numerous national design and advertising awards. In 2012 I took on a partner and continued through 2022. I’m currently doing freelance work for clients and agencies and looking to expand.

Background and Experience
I grew up in south Ashland Kentucky, where iron meets coal. My people played music, sang gospel, had a pet cemetery, a water softening business and my grandfather sold cemetery plots. Helping my grandfather install water softening systems gave me a very unique insight into the lives of people who lived in the hollers where iron made for bad water.
I grew up during the 60s and early 70s when entertainment was left up to the imagination. My friends and I built cities in the sand box of Ohio river sand and hiked the hills behind our house to search for artifacts along the creek. I spent my indoor time drawing (and watching Lost in Space). My teachers at Poage elementary noticed my love of art and encouraged me by giving me classroom drawing assignments. As I moved on to junior high Ms. Ettling, the art teacher, was great at exposing me to new ways to make art. My friends noticed my dedication and labeled me an artist, though I thought everyone made art.
At Eastern Kentucky University, I had wonderful art and design instructors, and learned graphic design, photography, pottery, metal smithing, sculpture, and print making. I majored in graphic design and Illustration and graduated with a BFA.
As a young designer in Lexington, I did a lot of paste-up and cut a lot of amberlith, mostly for thoroughbred, business and sports publications. I was 26 when I designed the official University of Kentucky Wildcats logo! My girlfriend Patti, now my wife, encouraged me to get into greeting card illustration, which led to a long and successful stint with Oatmeal Studios.
Shortly after we married, we started our own agency, EdmonDesign and won numerous national design and advertising awards. In 2012 I took on a partner and continued through 2022. I’m currently doing freelance work for clients and agencies and looking to expand.